I began taking guitar lessons when I was 9 years old. When I was twelve, in conjunction with guitar lessons, I joined my first band which was put together by my guitar and piano instructor, Will Goodlett at the Austin School of Music and Red Leaf Studio. In the summer months of my eighth and ninth grade years, I participated in a couple of local rock band camps. In tenth grade I enrolled at the Griffin School in large part because of the quality of their music instruction, their on-campus recording studio and the existence of their audition-based House Band. I auditioned for and joined House Band in my junior year. It continues to be a major focus of my on-going music education and of my high school experience. Below are links to several of my performances.
Silver Springs, by Fleetwood Mac Griffin School House Band, Spring 2021
Gold Dust Woman, by Fleetwood Mac Griffin School House Band, Spring 2021
Wild Times, by Weyes Blood Griffin School House Band, Spring 2021
Andromeda, by Weyes Blood Griffin School Open Mic, Spring 2021
Vienna, by Billy Joel Griffin School House Band Album, Spring 2020 Vocals by Mazzy
Because, by the Beatles Griffin School House Band Album, Spring 2020 Ensemble Harmony Vocals including Mazzy
Vienna, by Billy Joel Griffin School House Band 2020
People Get Ready, by The Impressions Griffin School House Band 2020
Betty, by Taylor Swift Griffin School Virtual Open Mic 2020
Be, by Hozier Griffin School Virtual Open Mic 2020
Under the Table, by Banks Griffin School Open Mic Night 2019
Don't, by Elvis Presley Griffin School House Band 2018